Honolulu Ocean Safety, EMS, Surfers Respond to Unresponsive Surfer at Pipeline
February 5, 2024
On Monday, February 25th, Honolulu Ocean Safety responded to a 25-year old surfer who was found unresponsive by surfers at Pipeline. The 911 call came in just after 6:30 p.m. The tower at 'Ehukai Beach closed at 6:30 p.m. but lifeguards were still in the parking lot and ran down the beach to help. Surfers helped bring the man close to shore, and with lifeguards brought him up onto the sand. Ocean Safety lieutenants also responded along with neighboring tower lifeguards, who were also off-duty. Lifeguards started cardio pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and after several cycles of CPR, the surfer regained a pulse. Honolulu Emergency Medical Services and the Honolulu Fire Department also responded. Honolulu EMS took over with advanced life-saving treatment and transported the man in critical condition to an area emergency room.